Saturday 21 September 2024

Monthly Meeting Minutes – 21st September 2024

Date of Meeting: 21st September 2024


Location of Meeting:

The Sherloft, My House, Portsmouth, UK



"The Entire Canon" (Paul Thomas Miller)



"The Entire Canon" (Paul Thomas Miller) has yet to receive an apology from The Anus.



Paul Thomas Miller (The Entire Canon) toasted Will Ferrell:

You are

By Far

The best Holmes


It's a shame the plebs can't see

How great you are, just like me.



Paul Thomas Miller (The Entire Canon) presented the following performance of a filked version of the Pet Shop Boys' West End Girls about The Adventure of the Six Napoleons:

Any Other Business:

"The Entire Canon" (Paul Thomas Miller) raised the following issue:

In RETI (published in 1926) Holmes suggests that Watson would have been able to get information from a woman at the hypothetical "Blue Anchor". It is interesting to note that Arthur Conan Doyle frequently attended The Blue Anchor pub in Fratton, Portsmouth when he lived in Southsea. It was where, for example, he was part of the meeting that formed Portsmouth AFC in 1884. I wonder if the real Blue Anchor had a particularly gossipy barmaid who remained in the back of Doyle's mind and was recalled again when he wrote this story.

"With your natural advantages, Watson, every lady is your helper and accomplice. What about the girl at the post-office, or the wife of the greengrocer? I can picture you whispering soft nothings with the young lady at the Blue Anchor, and receiving hard somethings in exchange."

RETI 1:172-174

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